Diving Deeper With KAJI.ai, A Mental Health And Wellness App


Despite COVID-19, concerns about mental health remain elevated with 90% of U.S. adults believing that the U.S. is facing a mental health crisis, according to a recent KFF/CNN survey. The pandemic has affected the public’s mental health and well-being and realities abound in: isolation, loneliness, job loss, financial instability, illness and grief.

Over the course of the pandemic, many adults reported symptoms consistent with anxiety and depression, with approximately four in ten adults reporting these symptoms by early 2021, before declining to approximately three in ten adults as the pandemic eased. Many people still today grapple with declining mental health and well-being and face barriers to care.

The pandemic created an environment that caused many people into rethinking their lives. Gut wrenching questions were asked like, what is my purpose? What should I be doing with my life? Are my personal or career life relationships meeting my needs? How do I ensure every day is a memorable day filled with joy? How do I stop my racing mind and just learn to be? etc.

One of the impacts of so many people having deeper reflections during these challenging health and wellness times was there was a movement, between April 2021 through April 2022, 71.6 million people separated from their jobs, which averaged 3.98 million people quitting each month.

People simply weren’t satisfied with their work environment, the industry they were in or their work-life balance and left their jobs. The term the Great Resignation was dubbed to describe this period, coined by Anthony Klotz, an associate professor of management at Texas A&M University

It was also during this time that two experienced entrepreneurs, Erick Rivas, and Simona Trakiyska had a powerful vision that they wanted to help change our world and humanities desire to evolve. It was their deep understanding that in order to evolve, humans needed to learn to dive deeper, like scuba diving in the ocean. The deeper the dive, the deeper the self-reflection and the greater the awakening.

Hence the company KAJI, a software app, was born in April, 2021 to support people through a customized self-awareness journey, with curated immersive listening experiences that combine the best of modern psychology, centuries of spiritual wisdom and cutting-edge AI technology into a single transformative experience where humans are at the center. KAJI combines all of these elements to harness the full spectrum of resources to help individuals on their personal path to cultivation of self-awareness.

One of the unique capabilities of KAJI is that co-founder, Simona Trakiyska, developed the KAJI proprietary psychology-based and personal transformation model called the I-Wheel, which helps individuals identify the root causes of their thought patterns, feelings and behaviours. Unlike many other software reflection tools, Kaji is unique as it also leverage the capabilities of generative AI and machine learning to create a personalized user journey.

Random and non-personalized content consumption often fails to trigger one’s self-awakening in a meaningful way. Often, personal growth is entirely up to the individual. While having the freedom to explore different topics is important, it’s the underlying AI foundation of the KAJI platform that really makes the difference, much like a diver learning to use their equipment more skillfully and diving deeper over time. Without this guided and therapeutic approach, people might feel overwhelmed by all the information out there, missing out on real opportunities to learn, grow and heal.

“Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are new and KAJI is even newer. At KAJI the founder believe that by leveraging this technology in a responsible and ethical way it can increase access to immediate (non-urgent) mental and emotional support. However, AI should never be a replacement for authentic human connection, compassion and love,” says Erick Rivas, Kaji CEO.

KAJI serves the individual and collective advancement of humanity. While the initial phase of our business was grounded in immersive listening experiences for the consumer/B2C, KAJI sees enormous opportunities to accelerate collaboration, communication, trust-building, and emotional intelligence skills collectively through our KAJI for Teams solution for the workplace/B2B.

KAJI is seen by market analysts as being in the Meditation app category, and apps like: Calm, Headspace, Meditopia, WakingUp and Aura are key competitors to KAJI, and each of these market players has their own strengths, KAJI is different as it is striving to go beyond meditation, relaxation and stress and is striving to take each customers on its own unique immersive listening experiences through a personalized and progressive journey of disconnection, recovery and self-awakening.

Customers using the app are very positive, saying things like its:

“Amazing & impactful. This app is such a gift. I give gratitude every time I open it and listen to the enrichment available. It’s loaded with fantastic content where I’m able to learn new relevant information to assist me with whatever I might be struggling with. I instantly feel inspired, connected, and supported. Extremely helpful and effective! Love love love this app!”

“So timely. Really really strong immersive listening content. It feels like a soothing meditation and guided therapy session all in one experience.”

For those following my articles, you know that I enjoy appreciating the lessons learned by talented AI entrepreneurs so others can learn from these experiences.

This is what Erick and Simona had to say:

As entrepreneurs, the most profound lesson we’ve learned and ardently wish to share with fellow visionaries is the unwavering belief in the power of conviction. When you believe, you wholeheartedly believe, and you wholeheartedly go for it. It’s not about dwelling on past successes or failures, or letting fear or hope dictate your journey. It’s about that transformative moment when a newborn idea grips your soul, and you become its devoted midwife. In our five years of traversing the globe, conversing with shamans, leaders, and elders, we encountered life-altering moments, none quite as extraordinary as the Amazonian jungle. There, amid lentil meals and the haunting presence of jaguars, Mother Nature spoke to us in the language of technology for good. It was a message that resonated deep within our beings – that we must embrace technology, harness its potential for positive change, and listen to the call of innovation with unwavering faith. The essence of our journey is that remarkable ideas are nurtured by those who dare to dream and act boldly, driven by a belief that transcends the bounds of the ordinary and the known. To fellow entrepreneurs, we say: Trust your convictions, for it is the beacon that guides the way to living a life full of meaning and sense of purpose.It’s time to jolt awake and recognize the universe within; our self-awareness is the catalyst, not just for individual evolution, but for elevating our collective consciousness.”

Research Sources:

For more information KAJI.ai see here.

The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use Nirmita Panchal, Heather Saunders, Robin Rudowitz, and Cynthia Cox

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